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2019 Summer School on Global Climate Change and Vulnerabilities

2019 Summer School on Global Climate Change and Vulnerabilities

The Summer School on “Global Climate Change and Vulnerabilities” is jointly organized by Xiamen University (XMU), San Diego State University (SDSU), Taiwan Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Ilan University, Fuzhou University and Fujian Normal University.

Based on the first MoU, College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, renewed an agreement with College of Sciences, San Diego State University in Oct. 2013, on the cooperation of the academic exchange and student summer research school program. This summer school will be the 8th experience between the two institutes. About 50 students from Xiamen, Fuzhou, the USA and Taiwan will be recruited this year. Summer school combines course study with field trips as well as cultural study together. It will provide participants with quality learning, key concepts and current update in various aspects of environmental science.

We are looking forward to your joining this summer.

Date30 June - 13 July, 2019 (with on-site registration on June 30 and closing ceremony on July 12)

VenueA239, CEE Building (Xiang’an Campus), Xiamen University




Xiamen University, China


Organizing Committee:

Xiamen University: Xinhong Wang, Qiaoguo Tan, Yuanye Zhang

San Diego State University: William Tong

Taiwan Yunlin University of Science and Technology: Jao-Jia Horng

Taiwan Ilan University: Chin-Jung Lin


Course Description

Over the last century human activities have exerted a powerful influence that has profoundly changed the global climate. This course will discuss basic physics of climate change, climate data, paleoclimate records, proxies and tools for paleoclimate reconstruction, models for predicting the future climate, uncertainties associated with those data and models, causes of climate change, and how global climate change affects biogeochemical cycling of carbon, water and nutrients, human health and the spread of disease. The course will compare Global Climate Change policies, practices, and impacts in China and the United States.


Lecture Topics (to be further confirmed):

• Topics related to global climate change

• Field trip and activities
• Group presentations and discussions


Field Studies (to be further confirmed):

A field trip to Xiamen Wanshi Botanical Park and several field courses will be organized.


Cultural Studies:

Cultural & social events will be organized during the summer school.


Target Group:

Undergraduates in the areas of Environmental Science, Ecology, Biology, Oceanic and Atmospheric Science are all welcomed to attend the summer school.

Participants are welcomed to attend the student forum, presenting oral presentations.


Final project:

Students will work as a group for the topic decided by the group members. A group topic can be broadly defined in climate change science. A student will research and report on an area that cohesively integrates into the group topic. Every student must present to the class with a 5-min PowerPoint presentation. As a group, students should also prepare to answer questions following the presentations. PowerPoint files and a written report should be submitted by Thursday, July 11, 2019



Application deadlines: 23 May, 2019

A complete application form should be submitted to Ms. Shelagh Ke at kexiaolin@xmu.edu.cn.  

Fees and Awards:

No registration fee is charged for qualified applicants. Programs and teaching materials will be provided for free.

Academic salons, field trips and farewell party will be arranged by the organizer.

The Summer School is a two credit units course.



13 May 2019    First Announcement

23 May 2019    Registration Closed

30 May 2019    Participants Confirmed

30 June 2019    Arrival

1 July - 12 July 2019  Summer school

13 July 2019  Departure



Xiamen University: Ms. Shelagh Ke, kexiaolin@xmu.edu.cn, (tel)86-592-2880260/(cell)86-13959254112
