Jiachang Lu., Lingfeng Huang, Yuanrong Luo, Tian Xiao, Zengjie Jiang, Linnan Wu. Effects of freshwater input and mariculture (bivalves and macroalgae) on spatial distribution of nanoflagellates in Sungo Bay, China. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2015, 6: 191–203.
Jiachang Lu, Lingfeng Huang, Tian Xiao, Zengjie Jiang, Wuchang Zhang. The effects of Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) on the microbial food web in a phosphorus-deficient mariculture system in Sanggou Bay, China. Aquaculture, 2015, 448: 341-349.
Xinqing Zheng, Lingfeng Huang, Rongcheng Lin, Jianguo Du. Roles of epiphytes associated with macroalgae in benthic food web of a eutrophic coastal lagoon. Continental Shelf Research, 2015, 110: 201-209.
Shiquan Lin, Lingfeng Huang, Zhisheng Zhu, Yuan Xiong, Jiachang Lu. Distribution of nanoflagellates in five water masses of the East China Sea in autumn and winter. Deep-Sea Research II, 2016, 124: 93-99.
Linnan Wu, Shiquan Lin, Lingfeng Huang, Jiachang Lu, Wenzhao Chen, Weidong Guo, Wuchang Zhang, Tian Xiao, Jun Sun . Chain response of microbial loop to the decay of a diatom bloom in the East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 2016, 124: 109-116.
Hongyang Lin, Zhaozhang Chen, Jianyu Hu, Andrea Cucco, Jia Zhu, Zhenyu Sun, Lingfeng Huang. Numerical simulation of the hydrodynamics and water exchange in Sansha Bay. Ocean Engineering. 2017, 139: 85–94.
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Xinqing Zheng, Serena Como, Paolo Magni, Lingfeng Huang. Spatiotemporal variation in environmental features and elemental/isotopic composition of organic matter sources and primary producers in the Yundang Lagoon (Xiamen, China). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26:13126–13137.
Hongyang Lin, Zhaozhang Chen,∗, Jianyu Hu, Andrea Cucco, Zhenyu Sun, Xirong Chen, Lingfeng Huang. Impact of cage aquaculture on water exchange in Sansha Bay. Continental Shelf Research, 2019,188, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2019.103963.
Bin Xie, Jiaxin Wu, Lingfeng Huang.Temporal and spatial variations of macrofouling organisms on ecological floating beds in Yundang Lagoon, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019,148:156–167.
Paolo Magni, Serena Como, Maria Flavia Gravina, Donghui Guo, Chao Li, Lingfeng Huang. Trophic features, benthic recovery, and dominance of the invasive Mytilopsis sallei in the Yundang Lagoon (Xiamen, China) following long-term restoration. Water, 2019, 11, 1692; doi:10.3390/w11081692.
Mohammad Mazbah Uddin, Bin Xie, Guogan Peng, Lingfeng Huang. Heavy metal pollution status, spatial distribution and associated ecological risks within sediments of Yundang Lagoon catchment in Xiamen, China, after 30 years continuous ecological rehabilitation and management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2020.1731679